This page covers basic tags such as <CENTER> ,<BR> , <HR> , <P> , <LI> , <UL> , <OL>, and
What is a tag?
A tag is a command written between brackets. Typicaly, you must have an opening and a closing tag to properly execute any command. However, there are exceptions to the rules.
<tag> command </tag>
This is a basic example. <tag> opens the command, and </tag> closes it. You will see the importance of closing many of these tags soon.
This tag does exactly what you would expect. At the beginning of any string of text you wish to be centered, use this tag. You must also close the text with , as with any tag. Try typing in between the tags like so:
<CENTER> Hello World! </CENTER>
This is what you will see:
Hello World!
The <BR> tag is a simple, yet very useful tag. As a matter of fact it is usued on virtually all web pages. It is a break tag. No closing tag is required. It will put a break in between your text lines like this:
text text text text text text text text text<BR>
text text text text text text text text text
Of course, the
will not show in your document.
Stands for Horizontal Rule. It works very well as a seperator. This tag does not require a > closing tag. It is demonstrated below:
This tag is similar to <BR>, but puts a larger space between lines. It doesn't need a closing tag.
This tag is for un-numbered lists and is used in conjunction with the
will give you:
This is also used with the <LI> tag.
- one
- two
- three

No closing tags needed here. This command will put spaces in a line of text to allow indentations or margins like so:

This was a cool tag a long time ago, now it's just annoying:
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